September 23, 2010

Boston Fashion Week 2010

 For someone who loves Boston and loves Fashion this is one of the best weekends of the year ... Boston Fashion Week 2010!  I am so excited for this jam packed weekend and honored to be apart of many of the exciting events this year.
  On Saturday night I'll be hosting the biggest show for this year's Fashion Week, Emerging Trends 2010.  This show is comprised of 22 designers from all over the world, 45 models and will be held at the gorgeous Castle at the Boston Park Plaza.  Sunday night I'll be reporting for NESN and covering my dear friend Monica Pietrzac and Miss Connecticut USA 2009's big show as her company Siostra Productions puts on a night of fashion, glamour and great entertainment!  Come out to both and see what Boston Fashion is all about!
  I'll be sure to post lots of pics and fun scoop from behind the scenes of two of Fashion Week's Best Shows. Hope to see you all there! xo