MDA Three Cheers Event
Last week I attended the Muscular Dystrophy Three Cheers Wine Tasting Event. MDA is one of my favorite organizations and I always look forward to seeing my buddy Emma and her amazing family. They always do fabulous events throughout the city and held at the beautiful McCormick and Smiths Castle Room this event was nothing less. Vineyards from all throughout New England brought samples of their local wine and the room was set up with a great silent auction and entertainment. I'm so honored to have become such a part of the MDA Organization this year and am so happy because I just found out that after I give up my crown the Russells have asked me to continue to be Emma's MDA buddy! As I was getting pictures for this post I was looking through my albums and found a picture of Aaron, Emma and I from my very first MDA appearance as Miss Mass. I can't even believe how much Emma has grown in the past year! She is growing into such a beautiful young girl and I feel so lucky to be her friend :)